Filmstill Faces of Athens: Dr. Giorgos Vichas talks on the healthcare crisis in Greece. Social clinic Elliniko, Athens, 2016


A book on the Greek health care crisis by Bernhard Hetzenauer 
With an introduction by Hilde Schramm
ISBN 978-3-95763-433-7 

"Faces of Athens" is a fine art, documentary film and book project on the healthcare crisis in Greece, directed and produced by filmmaker Bernhard Hetzenauer in three social clinics in Athens, and post-produced in Vienna, Berlin, Ixtlán del Río and Mexico City from 2016-2019. The solo exhibition "Faces of Athens" was shown at the Vienna Künstlerhaus and KC Grad Belgrade.

Bernhard Hetzenauer is a filmmaker, photographer, visual artist and writer. His films, most of which deal with emotional trauma or social tensions and are usually set in Latin America, have been screened at numerous international film festivals. He works in Germany, Austria, Mexico and South America.

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Stiftung Kunstfonds